Tuesday 22 September 2015

Grit Writing

What is Grit

Grit is made out of two words: resilience and persistence. Persistence means to never give up and keep trying and trying until it is done. Resilience means if you get hurt and give up you achieve nothing and if you fall down just try again. Everyone uses Grit in there life. I used Grit when I went to air-zone the zip-line into the foam-pit I was thinking of what would happen to me so I stopped thinking and did it. This morning at math time I used a lot of Grit I did 15-25 hard math equations and did not get distracted.    

Thursday 10 September 2015

Jumping Straight into the Action

I was looking down into the darkness trembling with fear. My friends encouraged me to go down that slide by saying “you can do it Jack”,”it is only 30 seconds Jack”. When I got in the slide everybody cheered “!!GO JACK GO!!”, “!!YEAH JACK GO DOWN THAT SLIDE!!”. The water was nice and warm and the slide smelt like chlorine and I felt extremely brave and wet. I pushed myself forward and slipped and slided through the slide I saw two coloured lights flashing on and off. When I was in the middle of counting to 30 “!!SPLASH!!” I was soaked in water that smells like chlorine “!!AAAAHHH!!” it got in my eyes. finally the slide had come to an end, the slide had no more slip or slide.  

What I Learnt This Week

This week I learnt subtract by using place value. e.g. 61-25=? lets change it to an easier one 61-20=41
41-5=32 and that is pretty much subtracting using place value and if you wan't to posts of mine in your emails make sure you follow me on my blog goodbye.

Thursday 3 September 2015

What I Learnt This Week

I learnt how to use plan views. A plan view is when someone wants to build a house but they don't have isometric dot paper so they have to draw in 2D and the builders have to build it.there are 4 views : front view, left view, right view and top view. So yeah that is what I learnt this week.